Other waterways
Looking for a different waterway? See who to contact.
We oversee the Barrow Navigation, Erne System, Grand Canal, Lower Bann Navigation, Royal Canal, Shannon Erne and Shannon Navigation. If you have any questions or concerns about waters that aren’t supervised by us, please contact one of the organisations below.
For issues relating to sewage or drinking water, contact Uisce Éireann or Northern Ireland Water.
For issues relating to pollution on any waterway, contact the environment section of the local county council or Inland Fisheries Ireland (South) or the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (North).
For river flooding in Northern Ireland, contact DFI Rivers. For river flooding in Ireland, it’s the Office of Public Works.
For issues relating to fisheries, contact Inland Fisheries Ireland (South) and DAERA - Fisheries (North), the local LAWPRO Catchment Officer or the Environment Section of the local County Council (South) and NIEA Biodiversity Conservation Science (Northern Ireland). Sightings can be reported on the invasives species portal of the National Biodiversity Data Centre (South), where information on prevention, identification and management can also be found.
For issues relating to wildlife on any waterway, contact ISPCA (South), and USPCA (Northern Ireland).